N1MM Logger+ and QO-100

N1MM Logger+ is a very popular and versatile Amateur radio logging software, created primarily for logging in High Frequency Contests. It does have the possibility to log normal, non-contest QSO-s as well. However, it is not able to export an ADIF log file that contains all necessary information to designate the QSO-s as satellite QSO-s.

If you want to use N1MM Logger+ to log QSO-s on QO-100, here is a quick guide. But first a few basics to understand what it takes to flag a QSO in ADIF format as satellite QSO.

For a QSO to be matched correctly on LOTW, besides the correct transmit band, mode, report, date and time, the following tags must be present in the ADIF file (in this example for the QO-100 satellite):

  • SAT_NAME = QO-100

ADIF Tags for those two properties look like this:


Create a new log in your N1MM Logger+ database and select DX as Log Type.

The DX log will enable you to log QSO-s conveniently, by capturing the Callsign, reports, the caller's name and a comment. I recommend to enter the received QRA (a.k.a. QTH) locator in this field.
Ideally the transceiver frequency and mode are set in N1MM Logger+ through a CAT interface.

When you export the ADIF file from N1MM Logger+, it will lack the necessary tags to make them satellite QSO-s.

The following PowerShell snippet can be used to automatically replace the comment field with the QRA locator (gridsquare). I chose PowerShell for this as it is built-into Windows and does not require a separate download. For simplicity, the filenames are hardcoded. You would need to adjust the names for the input and output ADIF files.

(Get-Content .\dl7nx.adi).replace('<COMMENT', '<GRIDSQUARE').replace('', '<PROP_MODE:3>SAT <SAT_NAME:6>QO-100 ') | Set-Content UpdatedLog.adi

If you save this script in a file with the extension .PS1, you will be able to run the script by right clicking on it, and choosing to Run with PowerShell. The script will run, take your input file and produce an updated copy, with the added tags for QO-100 and it will also repurpose the comment field to be the received gridsquare.

When you run the script, a new ADIF file is created. This file can be used for LOTW signing or importing in your favorite logger.

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